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Guerilla Ninja is a 2D side-scrolling platformer. Taking place in an alternate time in 1974 during the Vietnam War, an ARVN Ranger, now a Ninjutsu practitioner, ventures into enemy territories to avenge his ninja master and fallen soldiers of his platoon during their recon mission, whom were killed by enemy ambushes. Player will take control of the soldier using his hand combat/Ninjutsu attacks or choose 3 different weapons as a secondary attack (shuriken, an ARVN standard issued M1911 handgun, or customized Car-15 assault rifle) to take on enemy soldiers deep in the jungles and behind enemy lines. However, he weren't facing Viet Cong guerillas or Soviet soldiers, but a private militia of an organized syndicate known as the North Star Army. Not only that, they have newly developed super vehicles from both the US and Soviet Union planned to used during the war. It is up to the Guerilla Ninja to take down the North Star Army and avenge the death of his master and fellow soldiers or Vietnam will become the start of World War III.

Windows/Mac: Download here

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